Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The chalta hai policy

We are firm believers of chalta hai policy. Everything is chalta hai. If things break down, we will do a shoddy job of quick fixing it and saying chalta hai.

The entire medical center at UVa is undergoing renovation and it is a lesson for us to see how it is being done. The sidewalks were cordoned off one week because they were digging for something. The moment the work was done, the sidewalk was repaved. Part of the road too had been dug up. The road was immediately relaid properly.

Outside JNU there is a sidewalk. It is unusable. It is dug up often but never relaid properly. Stones and mud will be plied up on the sidewalk making it impossible to walk. As an aside, of course in India we believe that the pedestrians do not exist. So what is the need for a sidewalk/footpath? Why should the drivers stop and allow the pedestrians to cross the road. Why indeed should they drive carefully. The road after all belongs to the mightiest. The net result is that there is never a place for the pedestrian to walk.

To come back to the point of the blog, the chalta hai policy has completely ruined us. We never take anything to completion. Everything is done so haphazardly and so shoddily that a new building looks as though it is at least 100 years old.

The miasma is all prevalent. It is not very difficult to publish papers in good quality journals. We just need to do the experiments carefully and diligently, chasing it all to completion, taking pride in the final product. Since we believe in chalta hai policy, half-baked experiments are taken as completed. Why would a good journal publish this work?

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