Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Austerity drive

The Congress has gone bonkers. The new mantra is austerity. Which has been interpreted as traveling by economy class on flights and taking trains. Do they realize the extent of disruption they will be causing thanks to this idiotic decision? The amount inconvenience that they will cause the rest of us who have to travel by trains or by economy class?
At least Tharoor was honest enough to say that the economy class is cattle class. It is with so less leg space that if you happen to be tall you wonder how to fit in your legs into that tiny space.
I have never understood this romanticization of poverty. We in the University for example do not ever talk about increasing the hostel fees because the poor students will suffer. The end result is that the hostels look like slums. I have never figured out how the students can live in those hovels. But they do and they take great pride in living a simple life (or their interpretation of simple life).
If the congress wanted to really talk about downsizing their expenses, how about paying their electricity and phone bills out of their pocket? How about cutting down on those endless security for themselves or paying for it out of their own pocket instead of dipping into the taxpayers money?
Of course tokenism is easier!

PS: Finally figured out was going wrong with the protein purification. Whew! It is a relief to know that I was not going crazy.

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