Thursday, October 16, 2008

All about chocolate

Appa has been stressed out lately. I advised him:

"Eat some chocolate, appa."

Appa: Chocolate is bad for your teeth."

Me: Nonsense appa.

Having said it was nonsense, I set out to prove I was right and appa was wrong. I was aided and abetted in this process by a lovely book called "Chocolate: The consuming passion" by Sandra Boynton. It is very informative book which answers every intelligent
question about chocolate. The book debunks some of the more popular myths about chocolate:

1. Chocolate is bad for your teeth.
2. Chocolate is fattening.
3. Chocolate is a dangerous drug.
4. Chocolate is not nutritious.

The book also makes a very provocative observation: The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and by Shakespeare. Neither knew chocolate. The Swiss are known for nonviolence. They are also known for superb chocolate.

You can read more about the benefits of chocolate yourself here

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