Monday, December 17, 2007

Dealing with bureaucracy

I had really meant to pen down my experiences at Virat Nagar. But that was before I had to deal with the AO of the school.
I have been trying to purchase Mant-ATP, the fluorescent analog of ATP for my experimens. We finally found a cheaper source: Jena Biosciences in Germany. Their Indian representative is based in Hyderabad. Mac, my student, emailed them and got the quote electronically. It would not do. So before going home he frantically emailed them to send us a hardcopy and also the contact address in Delhi.
Then we waited.
Finally last week the Delhi representative got in touch with us. He signed the electronic copy that we had printed out. However, before the order can be placed we need a DSIR certificate that will allow us to import chemicals without paying import duty. To get the DSIR certificate we need to do paper work.
First I needed to get the Dean's permission to purchase it from my Lab Running Expenses (a meagre Rs. 50,000). With the Dean's permission, we filled out the DSIR certificate. It had to be entered in the store records, then the Dean had to sign it, and then the registrar. In between all these procedures, the AO of the school has to sign the supply order.
The AO dearly loves his 10%.
When the form went to him for signature, he threw a fit. How can I order something without his approval?
Excuse me?

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