Sunday, October 2, 2011

Life is four quotations- May the least quotation win

The General Finance Rules, also known as Swamy's GFR, has become the bane of existence.  According to these rules, which were written in Stone Age and which the finance officer insists we follow, we have to call for open tender for any purchase above Rs 15,000/- We have to also advertise the tender in our website.  And then we have to ensure that we have four quotations and the quotations must be opened in the presence of the finance officer/representative. 

The government of India has truly gone berserk.  With rising prices, what do they think we can purchase for Rs. 15,000?  At least that is what I thought till the planning commission told the Supreme Court that Rs 32 per day is sufficient for one person living in urban area.  I tried to follow it.  Bananas alone cost Rs 60 per dozen.  So if I purchase even only one banana that is Rs 5/- gone from my daily expenditure.  At this point I gave up. Or maybe I should have given up the banana.

To come back to the four quotations- it used to be 3 quotations some years back- it is done ostensibly to prevent corruption. As though four quotations will solve the problem.  All you have to do is to tell your favourite vendor to give you 4 quotations and you are in business.

On the other hand, if anyone wants a good laugh, all you have to do is to visit our website and look at list of tenders.

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