Thursday, November 20, 2008

An assignment on ethics

This semester I gave my Human Genetics class an assignment on ethics in Human Genetics. The assignment was given at the beginning of the semester with the understanding that they would submit at the end of the semester. There was also an usual spiel on how they should not copy from website.

So the class, very punctual, turned in their assignment. There are 14 students in the class. Baring 3-4 students every single student had copied from articles or websites. Not even a word was changed.

For a second I was furious then then ridiculousness of the issue hit me. Here they were writing an essay on ethics in Human Genetics using an unethical method! Did they honestly not get it?

I called them together into my room:

"Suppose you were to do a piece of research and write a paper. And somebody comes along and copies it. How would you feel?"

Blank looks. Then one said hesitantly:


"So why do you think you can blithely copy articles and pass it off as your own attempt?"

I am still puzzled: Don't they think? Isn't it all connected at some level?

As for them: they have time till 6th December (the exams finish on 2nd December) to submit an essay for evaluation. I told them that as each one knows what he/she has done, they can assess and submit a fresh assay as per their assessment of whether they have cheated or not. I am waiting to see how many assess themselves and turn in a fresh essay.

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