Friday, April 4, 2008

Of recalcitrant students and harassed advisors

I wish I did not have to write papers. Not when I have recalcitrant students who cannot understand why I insist on that perfect data. The students believe that once an experiment is done, it is done and over with. I, on the other hand, want it to be repeated and then worry why the results are not perfect, why is it little different from the previous experiment, and then I insist that it be repeated, and again repeated till we have get reproducible results. Pravin, who is going home on April 19th to get married, is the worst affected. He has been given April 18th as the deadline to finish all his experimental data and that too as perfect as possible. He is sure that he can come back and complete only I, and my collaborator, want to submit the paper(s) for publication and cannot wait till he comes back from home. Hence, the deadline. He would like to see us dead, poor chap.
Then there is this student of my collaborator. As I read through the paper, which is based on his experimental data, I was horrified to discover that all his experiments were done with a protein where there was one amino acid change.
"Do you have the original?"
"No?" I screeched.
He smiled, amused to see me getting into such a flap.
"But you need it for even your thesis. Any reviewer is going to ask you for the original."
"So when you can get it done?"
"I will try."


Unknown said...

Dear Author,

Quite nice blogs! well written

I have a question

How much commission do you take to do fake site visits for asha as you mentioned in your blog?

How can you be sure of genuiness of project when you announce to whole world the site visit?

People know that many of project run by asha are fake and in name of education support activities of some of individual. How come your site visit report miss all such issues in past?

People who independently did some surprise visit know that projects / site visit by you are fake. would you like to respond?

We also know that you did some surprise visit to project suggested by other people then why different policies for project suggested by different people?

All such actions suggest you get good commission to write reports. Question is how much?

Please respond!

Suresh said...

If you are genuine, then why don't you use your real name and not an alias? But then...oh forget it.

Unknown said...

Let first the Author disclose his/her name I will not use the alias and publish the information which can pin down many people in asha.

I can see the nervousness of the author as the article published by author supports my argument. My argument is why they do surprise visit for other project and not projects (schools) run by asha. I said in my post that funds are used by individuals in asha to promote personal agendas on the name of fake schools.

Most interesting part is 2 people with almost NO INTEGRITY are contesting for 2 most important posts in asha for education election and by this way they will control majority of funds to meet the needs of few Individuals in India.

Suresh said...

You are the one making serious allegations, so the onus is on you. I know, by now, that all I will get is more stupid accusations. Ah, well, forget it.

Unknown said...

Dear Suresh,

Yes I am making serious allegations and I know what I am saying and keep in mind not joking!

As mentioned earlier the author has not responded to my question and has tried to mislead by responding tangentially.

Here is the link of latest election of afe

Sabita and Sirish definitely have questionable integrity and you can find the name of Sabita in the blog. Sirish elected unopposed tells the story of the organization!

The group (gang) has in past exploited, harassed, victimized, overlooked facts, and blatantly lied to save their dear friends.

Social Work / Activism are Mask to hide the ugly face of the organization and many of its volunteers.

At right time will provide all the relevant information

Rohini Muthuswami said...

Okay, I was keeping quiet till now hoping this would all fade away. If you have problems with Sabita/Sirish/Asha for education elections, please put it up in the proper forum. This blog is not about Asha for Education or the elections that are being conducted by this organization. This blog is written by me on issues that interest/concern me.
Finally, I am least interested to know about your opinions of me. It is your problem and therefore, deal with it instead of bothering me.

Unknown said...

I asked simple question and still don’t have an answer

why you have double standards in evaluating projects run by others and run by afe / asha India? Many people know where Asha India & afe stands in terms of integrity. You can clear yourself by answering simple question.

I and others have every right to ask the questions because on your feedback chapters decided to fund or support projects. Afe or asha India is not a private company and Keep this in mind that you raise funds from common people and support projects for public good and claim to be champion of justice.

Rohini Muthuswami said...

Look, we do not have double standards. All projects are evaluated equally. We do surprise site visits to all projects. And if we find projects that are not good, we stop the funding. It does not matter whether it is Asha run projects or non-Asha run projects. However, I do not think I can convince you or anyone can convince you for that matter because you decided that we are bad. Fine. Leave it at that. You have problems about the organization, don't support it. And you have the complete freedom to badmouth the organization. No one is stopping you. As long as my conscience is clear that I am doing the job to the best of my ability, I am happy with that.

Rohini Muthuswami said...

Just one more additional remark: You might be surprised to know that all of us volunteers do know that we raise funds from common people and are totally accountable to them.