Monday, June 25, 2007


Nail infection around the base of the nail fold. That is what happened to me on Sunday. It started suddenly around Sunday afternoon. I ignored it for few hours believing that by ignoring it will go off. But the pain persisted and by the evening pus had begun to form. This morning the pain was intolerable so I went to the Health Center on the campus. The doctor wrote the prescription. Antibiotics and painkiller for two days. And:
"The pus will dry off. If it does not you will have to get it drained. I will refer you to Safdarjung hospital or AIIMS OPD."
"Should I wait for two days?"
"The pus will dry off. If it does not you will have to get it drained."
"When should I go to the hospital?"
"The pus will dry off. If it does not you will have to get it drained."
I gave up. The health center will not sell medicines to the faculty. So I waited for the chemist to open the shop.
The antibiotic and the painkiller had no effect. By afternoon it was a throbbing pulsating pain as the pus accumulated and pushed against the nail fold. The pain was so unbearable that I thought I would simply faint.
So I went to my doctor who is an ENT specialist and who has a clinic in Munirka. He incised and took out the pus.
Why does the Health Center have to refer even a simple matter like this to SJ or AIIMS? Surely we can provide a better health service to the community living on campus?

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