Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dahlias in Winter

Everyone is admiring the garden. Ever since we put up a fence, the peacocks have left the garden alone. The cats are a problem still but they have not ventured near the flowers. They prefer to scratch themselves on the woody stalk of my houseplants or to run up and down the moss stick used on the money plant.
                There are two of them.  Whenever a door is left open, they sneak in trying to find food morsel.

But enough about the pests.  The garden...this year we put dahlias and nastritiums and pansies and petunias.  The traditional winter fare.  We also got roses:

On the anvil is the traditional summer fare.  Sunflowers and Zinnias and protulacas.  This year though we are going to try tomatoes.  Keeping my finger crossed.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Some things never change

My broadband connection at home is not working.  It has been almost a month. The first time I called the customer care number, the customer care agent helpfully told me to toggle the connections. The second and third time, my complaint was duly noted.  But no action was taken.  I again called them today. The customer care agent told me to call the nodal officer at 23322622.  I tried the number. A sulky voice told me that the number is busy and I should call later. I tried 10 minutes later. The same response. Half an hour later the same response.  So I checked in the website for an alternate number.

Guess what? 23322622 happens to be Kidwai Bhawan number!  I should have known.  Kidwai Bhawan in the 70s was notorious. The exchange never worked. You could dial a number till your fingers dropped off. Either you will not get it or you will be connected to the wrong number. We had two telephones those days. We only got wrong calls.  It is great to know that the exchange is maintaining its standards 40 years later.

I finally contacted the Bhikaji Cama Place exchange and placed the complaint. I am hoping the problem will be rectified.